Query Iqama Expiry Date Check

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Query Iqama Expiry Date Check. This article is about Query Iqama Expiry Date Check. In this article we are trying to provide you good information about Query Iqama Expiry Date Check. We have arranged the information in this post to make you understand it easily. We hope that you can understand it well. Please check the information below.

Query Iqama Expiry Date Check

Why we should check iqama expiry date? As you know, Iqama is the Arabic word of Resident Permit in Saudi Arabia. We can use this Iqama for living in Saudi Arabia peacefully.

Nowadays, the Jawazat is really super strict. I saw my friends were captured by Jawazar Officer because they didn't hold the Iqama. They are working in Saudi Binladin Group (RPD). They are legal worker. When the Jawazar Officer came to them, they can't show their iqama. They have the "Temporary Iqama". Temporary Iqama is a letter that says that the person's iqama is being renewed. Jawazat officers don't care about this letter.

Seeing these workers did not hold iqama, the Jawazat Officer sent them to Sumaisy. Sumaisy is a place (prison like) for illegal workers in Saudi Arabia. They will be processed based on Jawazat procedure. The workers' company will be called by Jawazat to confirm the legality of these workers. If they're confirmed as legal workers, Jawazat will release them. If they can't be confirmed, they will be sent to they're home country.

So, in order to avoid such case, we should be very careful. We have to do Query Iqama Expiry Date Check. We can check our Iqama expiry date by doing these following steps:

Go to in MOI website, Click HERE
Then go to "E-Services". 
Then go to "Passports". 
Then go to "Query Iqama Expiry Service". 
Fill in the form, then you will be able to know your iqama expiry date.
The screen will be as below:

If your Iqama expiry date is changed or renewed, then it's good. It means that you will received your new Iqama soon inshaAllah. When the above case happen to you, you can tell to the Jawazat officer about this by check it online with your smartphone.

So that is all about Query Iqama Expiry Date Check. We think that it is good information about Query Iqama Expiry Date Check. We hope that this information is useful for you. Please share if you think that this information can be useful for others. If you need more article related to Query Iqama Expiry Date Check you can simply subscribe this blog. Thanks for visiting and have a nice browsing.

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source: http://harbun.me/iqama-expiry-date-check/
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